
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mid-Week Prayers

Prayer requests for Mom:

*Side effects of the drugs to lessen & stop
*For her body to be comforted, to persevere, and to overcome

1. Stomach pain
Chemo attacks fast-dividing cells, which includes hair, mouth, stomach, and intestine cells. So if the digestive system's cells are "attacked" by the drugs, it can't digest food as well, and things back up, which is painful.
(Mom said, "I just want to remove my stomach.")

2. Achey-bones in her hips, knees, skull, teeth.
(From the white blood cell booster.)

3. For successful implanting of the port-cathetor today. (For her white blood cell count to be high enough to do the mini-surgery and fight possible infection. Her's was at 81 yesterday, and nurses want it at 90.)

4. For Mom to actively receive the prayers targeting & zapping cancer & pre-cancer cells.
(Insight received in prayer.)

1. It snowed! (God makes us as white as snow.) It's so pretty & makes Mom happy. :)
2. After prayer, stomach is feeling better, but it needs to completely clear out.
3. Mom feels the prayers!
4. Encouraging healing testimony at Heritage chapel today, by Joy.

Truly "the Joy of the LORD is our strength."
Mom has a beautiful smile.

Love and blessings!
And thanks for taking time (even 30 sec) to pray for Mom's victory, thru God's mighty hand!
May the Lord encourage and strengthen each of your hearts, as we learn to abide and trust in Him.

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